Enjoy today's story with Sarah.

Read the story and describe the personalities of each of the baby owls. How do we know what each owl baby is like?
Describe the wood where the owls live. How is it different at day time and night time?
Before reading to the end, ask children to predict where the owls' mum has gone to. Why did she leave them?
Act out the story and discuss the feelings of the babies and their mum at different points in the story?
Find about the habitats of different creatures.
Make a food chain which includes owls. What do they eat? What creatures might eat them?
Learn about owls and how they hunt, using videos
Draw your own picture of an owl family.
Draw pictures of other baby creatures.
Use items found in your garden grounds (e.g. leaves, twigs, feathers) to create a picture of an owl outdoors.
Can you find places in your local areas where owls might live? What can we do to protect those habitats?
Discuss how the owls are feeling at different points in the story. How could the mum owl have stopped the babies from worrying?