Some of you have this book at home but there is also the story on BBC iplayer if you haven't. We would like you to focus your learning around the animated version of the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julie Donaldson, available on BBC iplayer. You can be creative as you like with below activities.
• Who helps who in the story?
• How do you feel when you help people?
• What could you do at home to be ‘helpful’?
• Whale and snail are rhyming word. How many other words can you think of that rhyme with ‘whale and snail’?
Health and Self-Care:
▪ When you are hunting for minibeast, what should you do to keep yourself safe?
▪ What other things have you been doing to keep yourself and others safe recently?
Understanding the World
• Look around your yard or garden for a snail. Can you find any? What other
minibeasts can you find?
Communication and Language:
The whale shows the snail around the exotic island.
• When you next go out, can you describe all the things you can see and hear all
around you?
• Create a chart to record how many
different minibeast you can find in your yard or garden